According to conservative blogger David Jennings, there has been an apparent mix-up within the controversy over the clinics that will close due to HB 2. Jennings, merely a blogger and not a licensed physician,
claims that Planned Parenthood went to extreme lengths to assert their claim that abortion clinics provide services other than abortions. Planned Parenthood went out to respond to this claim by addressing that due to funding procedures health centers share physical space with abortion clinics. So where does Jenning's logic lie in his desire to oust Planned Parenthood's apparent white lie?
Here's the reality: If an abortion clinic is forced to shut down due to lack of funding and it shares the same physical space as the Women's Health Center, then what makes it logical to think that the health center would remain open?
Texas Tea Party conservatives and Christian right-wing zealots have made the matter of funding both complicated and worse for Texas.
The history of the Texas female health program has been long skewed by Christian morals. On January 1st, Governor Perry decided to "revamp" the women's healthcare program by
eliminating federal/state funding for Planned Parenthood clinics forcing approximately 100,000 low income women to find other doctors, often farther away and more expensive.
Did Jenning's forget to mention that these centers that were ALREADY closed down also provided cancer screenings, PAP smears, mandatory check-ups at affordable (sometimes even free of charge) to minority women? Where is the so-called
lie in that?
The main flaw within Jenning's argument is that he simply does not have one. He asserts the "need for regulation" of abortion and blames the mixture of funds to Planned Parenthood, but never once holds conservatives responsible for the complexity of the healthcare issue. Texas has already tried to "regulate" abortions through this new Women's Health Program that only cut millions from funding while feigning to promote accessible and affordable care. Furthermore, with the passage of HB-2 causing more centers to close, Jenning's argument is that the health center will stay open? Furthermore, Jenning's statement is based on a lie. Abortion clinics provide cancer screenings.
It would seem that Jennings is actually a certified women's health care phyisican?
Wrong. He is simply a blogger. Furthermore, those that are looking for actual information should avoid his blog as there seems to be a lack of evidence from credible sources.
If you aren't too busy laughing at the ignorance of this blogger, you should take a moment to read this
"One other thing. Why do Texas Democrats, allegedly the party of diversity, continue to shill for a procedure in which 63% of the aborted babies are black and Hispanic? "
Jenning's decided it was credible to quote a Representative's twitter page.
So let me understand his logic, as a Democrat I should be against abortions because minority babies are
supposedly being killed? Funny story. This matter could easily be flipped by asserting that the harsh regulations and eradication of much needed social welfare programs are
more likely to put financial constraints of minority women. So would it be logical to blame conservatives for the abortions they cause?
The answer is no. The blame does not lie in either the Democrats or Republicans. It can be blamed on Christian fundamentalists that thirst to regulate policies to promote their own agenda.
The Texas State Capitol is not the proper area to